
Enroll in 244 hours of Python, Java and C++ training for $40 – Engadget

C++ Tutorials

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You can picture code as the building blocks of the programs and websites you access daily. Strings and functions create the features you know and love, whereas different languages are used in particular types of applications, ranging from statistical computing to web development. If you’d like to learn how to piece these characters together to create your own app, the 2023 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle has 14 courses that can help you get started, and it’s on sale for $40.

This training comprises 244 hours of content on popular coding languages, including Go, Ruby on Rails, C++ and JavaScript, and several are designed for students with zero coding experience. Each course is led by an expert programmer with years of hands-on coding and instructional expertise. Examples include Ardit Sulce, the founder of PythonHow, and Tony Staunton, a Python development consultant who has taught over 20,000 students.

If you’ve yet to learn your first language, you should pick up a popular, multipurpose one like Python. Sulce’s 25-hour mega course covers the basics, including data types, functions and conditionals, loops and how to put them all together to build a program. You’ll also get 10 projects to build real-world applications, such as a website blocker, a desktop database, a webcam motion detector and more.

From there, you can expand your knowledge by picking up a second or third language. If you’re interested in game development, you can tackle C++ for Absolute Beginners to learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOO). Alternatively, SwiftUI Augmented Reality With RealityKit and ARKit could be helpful if you’re interested in iOS app development.

Course list:

  • Learn to Code with Python 3

  • Build a Medical Diagnosis Bot With Python

  • 2022 Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp

  • Python and Android TensorFlow Lite: Machine Learning for App Development

  • SwiftUI Augmented Reality With RealityKit and ARKit

  • Fullstack Web Dev Masterclass: Build Websites With Node and MongoDB NoSQL

  • Java: A Complete Tutorial from Zero to JDBC

  • Google Go Programming for Beginners (Golang)

  • The 2022 Javascript Developer Bootcamp

  • The Complete 2022 Web Developer Bootcamp: Build 15 Projects

  • The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real-World Applications

  • Django Crash Course With Examples

  • C++ for Absolute Beginners!

  • Create an Escape Room with Python

Learning your first programming language can be daunting if you don’t know where to start, but this training collection can help, even if you’re a beginner. For a limited time, you can get the 2023 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle for $40 or under $3 per course.

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